
Trivia…what does it mean? I played “trivia“ yesterday with 29 friends and we had a great time! We were divided into three teams. The questions were flashed on a large screen, with five or six possible answers. There was an announcer, who read the question and sometimes made a funny remark to keep us laughing! We had a score keeper and two folks who manned the computer and did the sound effects for a correct or an incorrect answer!

Snacks were provided in a bowl at each table. The competition was fierce! Not so much on the answers, but whether you would get the candy or snack you would like to have! Everyone has their favorite, you know!

My snack was in a plastic bag with an ear of corn on the packet that said, “Smartfood.” It was popcorn with a white cheddar coating. I had never seen the product before, but it was delicious! I would like to buy a case of it! I am not certain it improved my intelligence, but it doesn’t matter, it made me happy and that is important during these times of gloom and doom!

Back to our trivia game. There were six categories, I believe . Some of them were science, history, geography and one was called pot luck! It was lots of fun! We each were happy when our team scored and the end result was a tie! It was not that important who won, it was the fellowship that mattered!

I decided to check the meaning of the word “trivia” even though I knew what it was. After checking nine different dictionaries or sources of meanings, they all agreed that trivia is : details, considerations or pieces of information of little importance or value! We had an afternoon of fun, topped off with pizza, a fresh fruit cup and a refreshing fruit drink.

Many thanks to Janet Altman and First Presbyterian Church of Columbia, South Carolina for this special afternoon of fun, food and fellowship! During these times of negativity and sadness in many cases, we need to have fun and fellowship. We certainly had it playing “trivia” and being together once more! That is a FACT that is not trivial! ♥️

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