Time marches on….

Time does not stand still for sure! But recently we have experienced the most drastic changes in my lifetime, however. A few years ago. prior to a virus beginning and then spreading around the world at a rapid rate, life was rather routine for many folks.

Most adults had jobs they went to Monday through Friday. The work week began after having Saturday to run errands, such as grocery shopping, cleaning house, doing laundry and going to the barber shop or beauty salon. Housewives did cooking on the weekend, cleaned the house, picked out clothes for Sunday and settled down to watch a few shows on television before going to bed.

Sunday morning meant getting ready for Sunday school, the worship service, then coming home for the family to enjoy a delicious meal. After the kitchen had been cleaned and the young children took a nap, the family may have taken a ride, with a stop for ice cream before coming home and getting ready to go back to church for Training Union and another service.

Life wasn’t like that for everyone, but that was what it was like for me and my family when we had young children. It was rather routine, but very enjoyable. We had freedom to go shopping, to a movie, to a restaurant or to a sporting event where we were among large crowds.

I loved that lifestyle. It was before smart phones and all the modern technology had come into being. We enjoyed just being together; laughing, talking, going places, even watching Lawrence Welk on Saturday nights. The young children watched cartoons on Saturday morning, while their mother did housework and their dad washed the car or mowed the grass. Whatever we did, we enjoyed it and were not confined to our home every day.

I am not against progress, new inventions, advances in medicine or other areas of life. I am thankful for improvements! Life has never remained the same, but I did enjoy a simpler version compared to all that has changed in the past two years. A virus that has spread around the world so rapidly that it is hard to comprehend has taken away almost everything we used to take for granted.

The many thousands of lives that have been snatched away, the loss of jobs, the rising cost of everything and now along with the inflation, the contamination of many foods, It is understandable why people want to turn time back, so we can enjoy the normal, slow paced lives of long ago.

There is a song that was popular long ago called, “He’s got the whole world in His hands.” If you should ask most people, they would prefer to return to a time that was not marching on so rapidly and to trust God to provide what we need and to protect us from harm. Do you agree?