Adjustments….we make so many along our journey….

Today has been very dark and dreary here in Columbia. My plans for today had to be “adjusted” due to the heavy rainfall and cloudy skies.

I thought about “life” and the many adjustments that come along as we travel along through the years.

First, when we are born, we have so much to learn and my Mother was the one who guided me along my formative years. My daddy was busy with work, his hunting and fishing. He paid very little attention to me and later the same was true for my brother.

My Mother and grandparents were my role models. I went to Sunday School at First Baptist Church in Kannapolis, NC. My Grandmother McInnis took me when I was an infant and I still have the little name tag that was put on me so I would not be mixed up with a baby that did not belong to her.

Time passed…I entered the first grade at Centerview School. An adjustment from being able to play every day with my girlfriend, Mary. I had always lived at 209 South East Avenue. But when my daddy got a job in Charleston, South Carolina, the day after I finished the fourth grade, my family moved to the most beautiful city I had ever seen! Another adjustment! I made so many new friends and felt so fortunate!

Then my daddy’s work brought my family to Columbia. Another adjustment! A new school, a new church and many new friends. I loved Columbia! I adjusted quickly. Then it was time for Junior high, as it was called back then. We changed classes, had chapel and gym. We we’re growing up!

Teenage years …my first day at Columbia High! Meeting so many new people, teachers and new friends! Way back then, freshman were called “rats” and that word was written on our foreheads to make us “stand out” in the crowd. Mary Jane Walker and I had our picture taken by a street photographer that first day! Along with all that adjusting came subjects like Latin, Algebra and other “new” subjects. An adjustment for sure!

Graduation brings about other adjustments…so many friends went away to school and we never saw each other again. After college, jobs came along…for some, marriage followed. Adjustments! Beginning a whole new way of life was a big adjustment. Then, becoming a parent…that was a huge adjustment…Realizing you had a child to take care of, to love and guide through childhood and beyond!

From becoming a Mother, then a Grandmother and even a Great Grandmother brought more adjustments! The loss of a spouse, family members moving to distant cities…all those things required “adjustments.” On this rainy day that required me to stay inside gave me so much time to think about so many adjustments that have taken place. I have been alone for so many years….I am still having “adjustments” but now they are with my chiropractor! It is a blessing to have those kinds of adjustments!

Time goes by so quickly, it seems!

The new year arrived with celebrations, concerns about what this unusual time in history holds , and maybe a touch of gray at your temples that had not been there before! When we “close the book “ on an old year, there is sometimes a feeling of relief! Relief because we want to forget all the unpleasant things that happened.

At the same time, many folks begin the New Year with tremendous burdens because this is a strange time in our history, at least for many. The pandemic has eased a bit, which is good! The downside to the future months is inflation. It is rampant! Shortages of many things at the stores, increasing prices on everything, especially food bring great challenges.

Those who own businesses cannot hire people to do the work. So many people have been given large sums of money and benefits, it is easier for them not to work because they have so much more when they stay at home, since all these current conditions began.

It a time of concern to put it mildly! The influx of people from other countries entering our “land of opportunity “ is increasing because of the lure for them to enjoy things here …and many things are “free” for them.

There is hope. The ONE who created the world 🌎 is still in charge. HE tells us over and over to put our trust in HIM, to turn from our wicked ways, to repent of our sins and ask HIM to take care of us, and HE will do it!

Our members in the Special Needs Department were given a star to write a resolution for the New Year. We prayed for many things. We have a simple, trusting faith because we know our prayers will be answered. We put the stars on our “Resolution” tree. 🎄Our tree remains in the department year round. Right now it is decorated in purple..a color associated with royalty.💜

We are living in the strangest times of my life, but we have a book of promises that things will not always be as they are now. In simple child like faith , we bring our burdens to the Lord and trust in HiM to see us through. What a JOY it is to be with this group of loving, trusting people! 💜

Today is Saturday…you know not to call me after 3:30 PM…

It is amazing how many changes take place along life’s journey! That may not apply to everyone, but it has been true for me!

For years, Saturday evening might find me at the Koger Center, the Museum of Art at a reception, the Lourie Center for a special event or the Town Theater. That was then…this is now!

I don’t know the exact year that things changed, but that doesn’t matter. I did not feel safe going out alone or even if I took a girlfriend with me. It is harder to see clearly in the dark and I don’t believe in taking chances for accidents or even being attacked.

Fast forward to recent years…I have been an admirer of Lawrence Welk for as long as I can remember. I was so happy when ETV began reruns of his programs. So I made a point to be “free” to watch every Saturday at 5:00 PM. Then one by one, I began watching other programs. Now I have a Saturday night line up and my family and close friends know that they should not call.

When ETV began showing Carol Burnett reruns, the time for Lawrence was changed, so I now have my Saturday dates” lined up…

From 4 until 5 PM, Carol Burnett…from 5 until 6 PM, Lawrence Welk, from 6 to 7 PM Bill Gaither, 7 until 8 PM Dr.Charles Stanley…and from 8 PM until his sermon ends…my California pastor, Dr. David Jeremiah!

That schedule suits me fine! I am at home, safe and comfortable! I can’t think of a better way to spend Saturday! I appear to be “set in my ways!” but if it suits me…and it does…that is what matters!

Old time radio programs…

Long ago, before television…housewives listened to soap operas on the radio. This, of course, is a memory from life with my Grandmother McInnis . Back then, most ladies worked very hard doing daily chores, with very few conveniences. I lived with my Grandmother and was always around to “help” do things in the kitchen. Grandmother had a rest break in the afternoon to listen to her “stories.”

Certain people seemed like real friends or maybe even family, so things usually stopped so you could listen to hear what was going on with them. Ma Perkins and Shuffle were favorites of my Grandmother. In the evening, Lum and Abner came on. The whole family would listen and laugh. Amos and Andy was another favorite. By today’s standards, the shows would be considered silly. But to housewives back then, those characters were “real.”

I remember the evening news with a very serious sounding man frightening me when he told what was going on. I think his name was H. V, Kaltenborn or something similar to that.

Saturday mornings were special times because the Story Lady came on from WBT in Charlotte. She had the most beautiful voice. I could visualize the Prince and Princess in all her stories. I had a good imagination, but she could make things sound “real!”

Then, there were some very frightening shows that came on in the evening. One that the family listened to on Friday night!

It was called “Gangbusters.” My little brother and I listened to the radio with our family, but when that program came on, we would crawl under the library table to keep from getting shot by the flying bullets. The table was rather large, with shelves on each side and a space large enough for us to hide under.

This is how life was back then. The sounds were sometimes scratchy, but we were just thankful to be able to be entertained! So many advancements have come along through the years. If you tell folks about how you were entertained, they think you have to be making it up.

Those were good days…life was much different. There was very little money for a lot of things other than a place to stay and food to eat. Children didn’t know about things like that. They just took that lifestyle for granted. It is amazing to look back at all the changes that have taken place. To me, those memories are very precious and quite different from those being made today.

The Force of Weather

As a rule. our state has a fairly mild winter each year. We do have some freezing days, but nothing to compare with the northern states and most recently, California. A heavy snow, with lots of ice, usually does not occur here.

This winter has been a little different. For weeks we have seen snow and ice banked up as tall as a man in Buffalo, New York. With all the ice, comes frozen pipes, downed power lines and a very dangerous situation for everyone. Hospitals are full of the injured and those who were seriously ill in their homes. South Carolina has not had any of those problems, that have been publicized.

A stream of wind and rain began making its way down one side of the United States. Our weather men and women followed the situation closely and kept all of us informed. With the technology that is available now, we can know when and where to expect problems before they occur.

As the storm progressed, so did the dangers. I don’t know the exact numbers of loss of life, but we were told that it was more than in some previous storms.

As the winds increased, tornadoes formed. My friend in Atlanta kept me posted on what was happening there and about what time we could expect the same in Columbia. I remember how dark the sky became and we were warned about the high winds and that we should have everything anchored down, if possible.

The high winds did make it to South Carolina and two confirmed tornadoes touched down in Lexington County. The news covered the damage in detail. One minute your home is in tact and the twinkling of an eye, it it can be a pile of rubble.

The storm moved on, but it has left trees uprooted and lots of loss through all sorts of damage in our state. In other areas of the United States, there is flooding and lives continue to be lost.

We need to stay in prayer, not just when a devastating storm comes along, but every day, in all situations. We need to thank God for our lives and ask for protection when circumstances are difficult. God wants us to depend on HIM. Let us not take things for granted, but trust God to take care of us. HE tells us that HE will never leave, nor forsake us and we can depend on HIS word!

Keep Smiling…my semiannual trip to my dentist!

It is always a pleasure to go to my dentist! His dental hygienist is great! My dentist could not be nicer, either. I had to have two crowns replaced. The original ones had been in place since my days in Atlanta. Sometimes the gum may recede, making it necessary to remove the old crown and replace it with one closer to the gum line.

When I went to have two crowns replaced near the end of last year, I had been told it may take two hours to remove the old crowns and make the impression for the new ones, etc.

The hygienist came in with a needle to deaden the gum so I would feel no pain. I explained that I did not require any pain killer. Then the dentist came in to verify that I did not want that injection. I assured him I did not need it.

He did all the grinding that was necessary to remove the old crowns, Then an impression was made where the new crowns would be fitted. The impression was sent to a lab and an appointment was made to return to finalize the procedure.

By not requiring any pain medication, I was finished in half the time or less on the first visit. I went back for the final step and the temporary ones were removed and the new crowns put in. That took very little time. My doctor couldn’t believe that I required no deadening of my gums. I told him my Atlanta dentist said I was a “tough cookie” many years ago.

How blessed we are to have so many people in our lives who do such a good job of keeping our bodies and teeth in good repair. Today, my dentist and the hygienist made me smile…and I hope I will keep smiling for many years to come! 🌝

Winter weather…aren’t we glad we live in South Carolina?

I hope that by expressing my appreciation for our good winter weather, here in the South, I will not have to eat my words should we have a blizzard. We usually have one snow during the winter season. At least that was the case last year. I had to hurry to make “snow pictures” before it melted.

There is nothing more beautiful than a blanket of white, covering roof tops, the ground, shrubbery and trees. it is a sight to behold. Children love sliding down a hill or have a snowball fight.

Since snow here is a rare event, schools may close and people who work in offices rush to get home. Nurseries ask parents to pick their children up early. Life gets disrupted! I remember a heavy snow while I was working in Atlanta. Some of us spent the night in our offices because we could not get home.

We had a large cafeteria in our building, so one of the ladies cooked breakfast for those who were still there that morning. I decided to try to make it to my home since we heard that some busses were running. I walked out the front door of the building, slipped on some ice and broke my wrist.Three husky men were walking along and picked me up. A downtown hospital was not far away, so they walked me there.

I thanked them for their kindness and they went on their way. The emergency room already had many people who were waiting to be seen and others came in with their heads bleeding because of a fall. There were lots of wrecks. After a long wait, a cast was put on my arm and I was released.

A wrecker company was taking people to their homes and I was fortunate enough to get a ride. A “first” for me! I don’t remember exactly how long everything was disrupted, but I was very thankful when things returned to normal.

That snow storm was not the norm. I hope we will never have it repeated! My heart has gone out to all the people in Buffalo, New York and all the other places that have snow and ice that was several feet deep. Nature can be very dangerous and many lives have been lost this season.

As beautiful as snow is, I can do without it! I don’t think you will hear me singing. “Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful, and since we have no place to go…Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!”

Who remembers the Old Farmer’s Almanac?

I doubt that any of my readers do remember it. Long before television, computers, telephones and Google were invented, farmers depended on the book for all sorts of information. I remember my Grandmother having a copy, but I was too young to read it. I did hear her talking about checking the almanac before she did a lot of things.

In 1792, Robert B. Thomas a bookseller, school teacher and amateur astronomer, published the first issue of his Farmer’s Almanac. The word Old was added in 1882. The publication became a reference for a variety of subjects. Today, it is owned and published by Yankee Publishing in Dublin, New Hampshire.

I have not checked, but it may be available at Mast General. I have seen old products that were once very popular, still available there. I really appreciate Mast General Store. I have visited the original location a number of times. Now there are several locations in South Carolina. The Columbia store is in the old Efird’s Store. On Main Street.

The almanac is published several times of year. I was given a copy and it is filled with all sorts of helpful information, such as the weather, how to save your flower seeds to plant for another season, pickle and dry foods and simple remedies for illnesses.

One section of the book I was given was about the weather in 2023. I depend on our local TV stations for my current information because they are constantly monitoring for any changes that are taking place. Nevertheless, it is interesting to read about frost, rainbows, rain, hail, tornadoes and drought. They are covered in detail, in the publication.

We are fortunate to have so much information available to us with the touch of a finger on a device, from a TV Channel devoted around the clock to weather all over the world and to our outstanding local weather forecasters. But, it has been interesting to browse this publication. It is amazing that Mr.Thomas had the foresight to start providing such helpful information in 1792 and that we are still reading and benefiting from it today.

If anyone would like to subscribe, the address is: The Old Farmer’s Almanac, PO Box,Dublin, New Hampshire 03444

January 2…a day I will always remember

Years ago while I was working for a communications company, I was transferred to company headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia to work on a project. I had been to Atlanta once when my daughters were small and we went to Six Flags over Georgia, which was a popular attraction. The only other time was for a day of training for another assignment in Columbia.

The day arrived, January 2, when I reported for my new job! I was taken by a van to the fabulous Hurt Building in downtown Atlanta. It was such a beautiful building, with a curved marble staircase leading to the second floor. My office was on the 11th floor. The doors had a glass inset and an old gentleman “painted” the name of the occupant on the glass. That was exciting!

I went inside the office and met a young man who had come to work early that day and was seated at his desk. His name was Jerry Weaver. In those days, it was a time that the company hired women to install telephones and men to be secretaries., Jerry graduated from the University of Georgia with a degree in design, but came to the company in a totally different job,

My boxes from Columbia were in my new office, so I quickly opened them, put everything in place. When my new boss arrived, I had everything in place. She introduced herself and told me it looked like I had been there “forever.”

Jerry was the first person I met that morning. As it turned out, he lived in a community very close to where I would be living! He was so helpful in showing me the way to my church, shopping centers and every place I needed to go.

We worked in the same office in the Hurt Building until the new headquarters building at 675 West Peachtree Street was completed. We moved from my then, seventeen story office in the Hurt Building to the skyscraper which had forty seven floors! He went to a job in the graphics department and I was in my office on another floor.

Many years have passed since that January day when I reported to work. Our friendship has grown through the years. We have seen each other through my retirement, deaths of family members and friends, my moving back to South Carolina, his serious illness and so much more.

Jerry became like a family member early on and has remained that way ever since that chilly January 2, when I reported to work in the Hurt Building! He keeps in touch every day! Facebook and my IPad make that so easy. Many of his family have passed away,,so I am “family” now.

I thank God for giving me the kindest, most loyal friend I have ever had in my entire life, when I met Jerry Weaver! So, I begin this New Year with a grateful heart for this blessing and pray that it will go on for many years to come! God bless you…Jerry!,

Some thoughts on the first day of the New Year….

Looking way back to my early childhood, my Mother told my brother and me that we had better be good that day, because if we were bad and got a spanking, we would get one every day of the year! I have no idea where that philosophy originated or if that was just her way of telling us we should not cause trouble.

Last night, New Years Eve, I tried to go to sleep after watching television for a little while. I had watched several shows that were loud, with singers and dancers. To have a restful sleep, all the jumping up and down and screaming, which is now very popular, does not promote rest for the mind and body.

In younger days, I went out with friends. There was a group called the Friendship Club that met at the Lourie Center for food and fellowship. A husband and wife team came from Newberry and played for dancing and they sang a few songs, also. On New Years Eve, we would get together with our friends and anyone else who wanted to go to a safe place to dance the New Year in. This was a “ big event” compared to our smaller covered dish dinners.

There were other times, when churches had Watch Night services. Folks would go to church to sing and “pray” the New Year in. As years go by, the things we do change. When I watch some ways that have become part of our way of life, I am thankful that I have advanced beyond the current trends.

Some people might think, “You are just so old fashioned or you are a kill joy!” Maybe I am out of sync with the present, but when I see how some people value life, it makes me sad. I get the feeling that living for the moment, dressed in name brand clothes, drinking so much that they don’t really know what’s going on, is what controls them.

So much for my thoughts. I am so thankful that I could be in my home, warmed by a fireplace, listening to good music, watching a decent movie, if I wanted to and drinking a cup of hot chocolate. When the weather is cold and it is raining, who could ask for more? I have heard of shootings, wrecks and so many terrible things that took place around the country last night. I am so very sorry when those things occur.

I guess I still remember the wise words of my Mother, as a child…so I tried to be good, so that every day in the New Year would be a good one! Saying a prayer for better days ahead! We are told, “If you ask anything, in MY name, believing, you shall have it!! I am praying for peace, kindness to one another, appreciation for what we have and for one another. Let’s make it a better world!