Some of my friends have been wondering what happened to me because they could not find any journal entries from me. I have been writing in my personal journal, but have not published anything in my blog for many months.

My back has become very weak and I knew I had to do something to change that if I could. One solution was to strengthen it by exercising.

I contacted the Lexington County Recreation and Aging Commission, Sarah Laird, then the Assistant Director, to get information about what was available at the TrI-City Senior Center. Sarah, who has since become the Director, explained everything I needed to know and I became a member.

The Center offers Chair Yoga by video on weekdays and various “live” exercises by Tony on Fridays. Tony goes to the other centers on certain days, so that everyone will have the benefit of his talents. That was just what I was looking for.

Not only did I find an exercise program, but I made so many new friends that a “whole new world” opened for me. I had lost so many close friends and I wanted to make some new acquaintances, folks that I had things in common with.

Well, that prayer was answered! I have learned to know everyone who attends the center and now have a host of new friends! Not only do we exercise, but we do crafts, play games, have speakers who are experts in their field, go on outings and eat lunch together!

We do so many things that none of us would do if we stayed at home, alone. As humans, we were not meant to be alone. Everyone needs friends! Each person who attends this center contributes some unique talent.

I think that becoming involved in the center is one of the best gifts I have given myself and now I try to spread the word to everyone I come in contact with. I hope some of my friends will find as much joy as I have and that our numbers will continue to increase!

Hopefully, I will start sharing more about what we are doing at the Center, as well as writing about my past experiences as I was growing up. I have done that in the past for the benefit of my children and grandchildren.

Life can really be beautiful, if we just look for friends to share it with. I found that to be very true when I joined the group I now call my “family!” No more AWOL for me! I want to increase my number of friends…and “family!”